Natruba was founded on the idea of creating products that are safe and with a low environmental impact.
This is why our products are made from sustainable and natural materials.
We want to help take care of the world's forests, and therefore we aim to use
FSC® certified paper and packaging materials as much as possible.
By doing this, we ensure that the wood used to manufacture these materials have been sustainably sourced and not from protected or endangered areas.
Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) is an international non-profit organization that works for the sustainable use of the world's forests.
FSC is the world's most recognized global symbol for sustainable paper and wood and ensures both environmental and social conditions in the forests.
By choosing FSC-certified products, together we can help take care of the world's forests and the people and animals that depend on them.
If you want to know more, visit:
Natruba's FSC® Trademark Licensing code is: (FSC®-N002938)